As part of its support for the transitional authorities in Gabon with a view to restoring institutions through a credible electoral process, ECES implemented our first activity, Training of trainers in Leadership and Conflict Management for Electoral Actors (LEAD) and best practices in election observation. Funded by the European Union, this ongoing training from 27 January to 1 of February has been implemented with the Project co-applicant the Consortium des Organisations de la Société Civile pour la Transparence Électorale et Démocratique au Gabon (COTED Gabon) and in partnership with all civil society organisations that support democratisation and contribute to the transparency and credibility of elections and the media in Gabon.
The overall aim of the seven days LEAD trainers' workshop is to strengthen participants' knowledge and skills in leadership, and to equip them with the tools they need to manage or mitigate the escalation of violence and conflict throughout the electoral cycle. Thanks to this training, it will be possible to set up a network of national trainers to ensure the sustainability of LEAD training and its innovative methodology over the next electoral cycles.
The LEAD programme is based on the fundamental values of inclusion and the exchange of experience and specific knowledge between electoral stakeholders. LEAD is aimed at representatives of election management bodies as well as civil society, NGOs, political parties, electoral justice bodies, academics, security forces, the media and media regulatory bodies.
Attended by more than 70 participants from various members of civil society organisations and the media to help prevent potential election-related tensions by supporting and accompanying key non-state actors in an inclusive, credible and peaceful electoral process.
At the end of this training course, the beneficiaries will have deepened their knowledge of leadership and electoral conflict management. They will also have internalized various notions about inclusion and the electoral process, giving them a better understanding of the "electoral cycle" approach to conducting peaceful elections.