We are pleased to announce the launch of our new technical assistance project in the Central African Republic  (CAR) in support to the Local Elections.

Through the funding of the European Union, we will implement a technical assistance project with an estimated period of 18 months. This will focus on supporting the Autorité Nationale des Élections (ANE) in the upcoming local elections.

The overall objective of the technical assistance is to contribute to the consolidation of democracy in CAR by building the capacity of the ANE and stakeholders, particularly with regard to the organisation and running of local elections in 2024.

Specifically, the project will aim to provide deliverables such as:

  1. Contribute to the update and sustainability of a reliable, up-to-date and inclusive electoral register.
  2. Strengthen citizen participation and the inclusivity of the democratic process.
  3. ?To support the European Union Delegation in its coordination tasks and ensure consistency between all the actions to support the electoral process funded by the EU.

This project shows the EU and ECES's commitment to supporting the consolidation of democracy in Central Africa Republic through the promotion of higher participation levels on a local scale. The local elections are essential in CAR's ongoing efforts to rebuild its democratic institutions and promote political stability.



We are happy to be back at CAR, to support the electoral process, and to contribute to creating conditions for lasting institutional stability. ECES has worked in the CAR were we implemented the "Assistance technique auprès de l'Autorité Nationale des Elections", in support of the ANE as an organisation, focusing on the strengthening of its conduct and supervision of the parliamentarian and presidential elections and the constitutional referendum of 2015.