On Monday, 3 June, a ceremony was held to sign a memorandum of understanding at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moroni, whereby the Government of the Union of Comoros renewed the headquarters agreement authorising ECES to set up and operate in the country. ECES, on behalf of its Executive Director Fabio Bargiacchi, represented in Comoros by the SHAWIRI Project Coordinator, Hamza Fassi-Fihri, is delighted with this signature and welcomes the excellent relationship with the Comorian partner, represented by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Said Maoulana Mohamed.

ECES is currently implementing a project to strengthen social protection and the participation of women, young people and civil society in the Union of Comoros - the Shawiri Project - with funding from the European Union and as part of a consortium comprising the French Red Cross-Comorian Red Crescent, Maeecha  (Mouvement Associatif pour l’Éducation et l’Égalité des Chances) and Earth Echo Communications. The project is being carried out closely with the National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms, the Gender Commission, the National Youth Directorate and the Platform for Women in Politics.