On 11 to 14 February 2025, ECES, through the Shawiri Project in the Union of the Comoros, launched training for staff of state institutions responsible for women's and young people's rights in techniques for steering, planning, producing and disseminating sector-specific data. This 4-day training course is designed to provide them with technical training to improve their knowledge and skills in steering, planning, producing and disseminating sector-specific data, taking into account their areas of intervention.

In order to strengthen these institutions as much as possible, the training included support for each institution to enable them to prepare or revise their strategic action plan, or to examine a strategic issue in greater depth. To carry out this training, the project developed synergies with the International Financial Cooperation Department and the Comoros National Institute of Statistics. The institutions benefiting from this training were The Ministry of Gender Promotion, the Ministry of Youth, the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Indian Ocean Platform of Women in Politics.