From June 6th to 9th, more than 360 million voters will be involved in 27 different elections that will take place simultaneously across the European Union Member States. 22 million first-time voters between 16 and 18 will be called to elect the 720 Members of the European Parliament. This is a key moment for democracy and presents unique challenges for the EU and the national administrations.

The European Parliament elections are not just another event in the EU's democratic setup. They are its cornerstone, allowing citizens to directly elect their representatives, who will play a crucial role in shaping EU laws, policies, and priorities for the next 5 years.

At ECES, we are dedicated to promoting integrity and transparency in democratic processes and supporting partner countries and institutions in organising their own elections with their own resources globally, mainly in Africa and the Middle East. 

In the upcoming days, it will be our turn to go and vote in this important exercise, we encourage all voters to participate and make their voices count!