On Friday, May 24th, in the framework of the celebration of the “Joli mois de l’Europe,” the project "Renforcer la protection sociale et la participation des Femmes, Jeunes et Société Civile en Union des Comores (Shawiri)"  was officially launched in Moroni!



Under the patronage of the  Comorian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and in the presence of the EU Ambassador, Amb. Isabelle Delattre Burger, the Renforcer la protection sociale et la participation des Femmes, Jeunes et Société Civile en Union des Comores (Shawiri) project was officially launched. The project has a duration of 3 years and aims to strengthen social protection and the participation of women, youth, and civil society in Comoros.



Together with our local partners, MAEECHA (Mouvement Associatif pour l’Éducation et l’Égalité des Chances), Earth Echo Communications, and Croix Rouge française, we are working towards the inclusion of the most vulnerable, including women survivors of gender-based violence and youth.